Sunday, May 2, 2010

Optimistic Attitude Can Improve Health

Number of life stress experienced by a person who should make most people get frustrated. Some people in the face of a heavy workload have experienced job stress. Other problems such as natural disasters and the deaths of people close can also be depressing and frustrating. Few people are able to avoid the pressures of everyday life that can make people frustrated and pessimistic view. However, despite facing hardships and pressures of life, thinking optimistically beneficial to health. What are the benefits? And how to foster an optimistic attitude?

What is the optimism or optimistic attitude? Optimism is a good attitude always have hope in everything, and the tendency to expect a pleasant outcome. Optimism can also be interpreted to think positive. So the optimism is more of a paradigm or way of thinking.
When a failure or pressures of life, how he feels an optimist? A positive-minded optimists or think does not consider failure is permanent. This does not mean that he is reluctant to accept reality. On the contrary, he received and examined the problem. Then, as far as circumstances permit, he acts to alter or improve the situation.
Contrary to the optimistic, pessimistic view would consider the failure of the bad side. Generally a pessimist often blame themselves for their misery. He considered that the misfortune to be permanent and it happened because it was fate, stupidity, incompetence, or his ugliness. As a result, he resigned and would not attempt.
Positive thinking is also a key success factor for managing stress. Optimism will get someone to deal with unpleasant situations with a positive and productive manner.
Benefits of Positive Thinking
Scientists have made the conclusions of research for decades about the benefits of positive thinking and optimism on health. The results showed that a healthier and more optimistic longevity than others much less than the pessimists. The researchers also noticed that the optimist is more capable of coping with stress and less likely to experience depression. Here are some of the benefits of being optimistic and positive thinking often.
• More long life
• More rarely experience depression
• Stress levels are smaller
• Have a body resistance to disease Better
• It is better physically and mentally
• Reduce risk of heart disease
• Able to overcome difficulties and cope with stress
Why does this benefit can be obtained for people who are optimistic and positive thinking? Because usually people who are optimistic will avoid activities that are carried out a pessimist in the face of stress and pressures of life. People pessimistic when faced with stress will divert attention with activities such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and enjoy food without control. While an optimist would be doing more physical activity, follow a healthy diet, and reduce tobacco and alcohol.
How to Be More Optimistic
If you often think negatively towards another person or against a tough situation, does not mean you can not think positive. You can change your negative thinking into positive. It is not difficult to do, but it takes time and practice to create new habits. Here are some ways to be more optimistic and have positive thoughts and attitudes.
• Check yourself
When you think that you will not be able to enjoy a bad event will be successful or not perform a task, immediately get rid of that thought. Focus on the positive things that will be generated.

Make checks repeatedly. If the more negative thoughts, then immediately switch to positive thoughts.
• Follow a healthy lifestyle
Exercising three times a day can turn into a positive mood and reduce stress. A healthy diet also affects the mind and body. And try to manage your stress.
• Enjoy work
Try to enjoy your work. No matter your job, find a pleasant aspects of you.
• Find a friend who positively
Find friends who look at life positively. These people are such an optimist and always support you by giving good advice.

Conversely, if you are surrounded by pessimistic people, will increase the stress you may even make you hesitate to manage stress in a healthy way.
• Confront and accept
Deal with situations that you can control; Try to accept a situation that you can not control.
• Have a sense of humor
Try to smile and laugh, especially when faced with a very difficult time. Find events that invite laughter in everyday activities. A good sense of humor helps a person has a mind, emotions, and behavior that is more positive.
• Record of good things
Each day, record the three good things that you experienced.
• Simple Rules
Do not say anything to yourself something you want to say to other people.
It is to be optimistic is not easy. Natural disasters, the cost of living, and also disaster could occur that makes many people find it hard to think positive. But by trying to be optimistic and positive thinking will produce a healthier life and more fulfilling. Do not give up!

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