Thursday, July 29, 2010


The establishment of the Red Cross in Indonesia actually started before World War II, precisely October 12 1873.Pemerintah Dutch Colonial built in the Indonesian Red Cross with a crotch Afdeeling Nederlandsche Roode Indie (NERKAI) which was then dissolved during the Japanese occupation. 

The struggle to establish the Indonesian Red Cross (IRC) begins in 1932. The event was spearheaded by Dr. and Dr. RCL Senduk Bahder Djohan with drafting the formation IRC. The design of such widespread support, especially from among the intelligentsia of Indonesia, and submitted to the Assembly Narkei Conference in 1940, but rejected
The design is kept waiting for the right. Like the relentless Japanese occupation at the time they returned to try to establish the National Agency for the Red Cross, but again the effort was a hindrance from the Government of the Japanese Army so that for the second time the draft is re-stored. 

IRC formation process started 3 September 1945 when President Sukarno ordered that Dr Boentaran (Ministry of Health Cabinet I) to form a national Red Cross agencies.
Assisted by a committee consisting of five persons as the Chairman of Mochtar R dr, dr Bahder Djohan as a writer and three members of the committee is Djoehana Wiradikarta dr, dr Marzuki, dr Sitanala, preparing for the establishment of the Indonesian Red Cross Society. Exactly a month after independence, 17 September 1945, IRC was formed. Historic occasion was until recently known as the Day of the IRC.

IRC role is to assist the government in the social sphere of humanity, especially the absurdly rosy duties required under the provisions of the Geneva Conventions in 1949 which has been ratified by the Indonesian government in 1958 through Law No. 59.
As a national association of legitimate, IRC stands by the Presidential Decree No. 25 year 1925 and confirmed its activity as the only national association that runs the organization's task absurdly rosy through Presidential Decree No. 246 in 1963.

Humanity and volunteers
In various activities such as IRC's commitment to humanity Strategy 2010 contains about improving the lives of vulnerable communities through the promotion of principles of humanitarian values, disaster response, disaster preparedness, health and care in the community, Hanoi Declaration (United for Action) contains the handling of the program on the issues disaster management, disease prevention, teens and seniors, in partnership with governments, organizations and resource capacity management and public relations and promotions, as well as the Plan of Action is a decision of the Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent to-27 in Geneva Switzerland in 1999. 

At the conference the Government of Indonesia and the IRC as a participant states in the field of humanitarian pledges. 

This is very consistent with the principal task of the IRC is to assist the Indonesian government in the social field, especially humanitarian absurdly rosy tasks which include: Assistance and Disaster Preparedness, First Aid Training for Volunteers, Health and Welfare Society, Blood Transfusion Service. IRC performance in the field of humanitarian and volunteers of The start of the year 1945 up to now include the following: 

1. Help when there was war / conflict. IRC humanitarian tasks performed during the independence war, when the rebellion RMS, Aru incident, when the correction movement in the Sumatra region through PRRI, when Trikora in Irian Jaya, East Timor with humanitarian operations in Dili, the refugees in Pulau Galang. 

2. Helping victims of natural disasters. When an earthquake occurs on the island of Bali (1976), to help victims of the earthquake (6.8 on the Richter scale) in Jayawijaya, Galunggung disaster (1982),-Liwa Earthquake and Tsunami in West Lampung Banyuwangi (1994), earthquake in Bengkulu 7.9 on the Richter scale (1999), the conflict in Poso, Central Sulawesi horizontal and unrest in North Maluku (2001), the earthquake victims in Banggai, Central Sulawesi (2002) with 6.5 on the Richter scale, and to help flood victims in Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Gorontalo , Nias, West Java Tsunami of Aceh, Pangandaran beach, and the earthquake in Yogyakarta and parts of Central Java. All ranks of the IRC conducted by a sense of humanity and a genuine spirit of volunteerism to help the victims with a variety of activities ranging from rescue and evacuation, search, health services and medical teams, provision of public kitchens, field hospitals, provision of food packages, wear proper clothing and so forth. 

3. Blood transfusions and health. In 1978, the IRC provides the Golden Pin award for the first time to the voluntary blood donors as much as 75 times. Based on Government Regulation Number 18 Year 1980 has set about the task and the role of IRC in the blood transfusion service. The existence of the Blood Transfusion Unit has been widely recognized IRC provide benefits and relief for patients / patients who really need the blood of sick. Thousands or even millions of people saved his life thanks to the help of the Blood Transfusion Unit of the IRC. Similarly, health services, almost in every IRC in various regions have a complete clinic to provide affordable services to the community. 

Community Base 
To anticipate the various possibilities that occur at times that will come when this IRC is developing a Community Based Disaster Preparedness Program (Community Based Disaster Preparedness). This program is intended to encourage the empowerment of communities to alert the capacity to prevent and reduce the impact and risks of disasters in their environment. This is very important because the public as the party directly affected if a disaster occurs. 

Also at the Indonesian Red Cross is also rampant in organized training for Community Based First Aid (Community Based First Aid / CBFA) 

Basically, the whole movement should be absurdly rosy-based society, spearheading the movement absurdly rosy is the element of volunteerism elements such as KSR and the Corps Volunteers or Voluntary Worker or TSR, and also the Red Cross Youth, or PMR, and all of these elements are always based on one member of the community in accordance with the principle of insufficient rosy are universals.

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